
Reviewing employee access in Lumos

You’re probably reading this because you got a message that you need to review employee access for some software apps.

Your IT team uses Lumos to keep your company secure and ensure that everyone has access to the software they need.

Read on to learn how you can quickly finish this task and help out your IT team! 🚀


This 2 minute video will teach you everything you need to know about using Lumos for access reviews!

Step-by-step guide

1. Go to the access reviews page in Lumos

Log in using your company email address.

If you got an email or Slack notification from Lumos, please click the button to start your review!

Sample Lumos notifications

2. Find the review, then click on “Continue Review” for an app


All of the apps that you need to review will be on this page.

Don’t worry! You don’t need to review every single employee account for each app — just the ones that have been assigned to you by IT. 😮‍💨

3. Make a decision!


You should see the employees that you need to review here. Scroll to the right to see additional columns and data that will help you make your decision.

If you have accounts assigned that you should not be reviewing, please reach out to the team that is conducting your access review!

When you’re ready…

  • Click the green checkmark in the “Review Action column if the user still needs their access to this app
  • Click the red “X” in the “Review Action” column if they should no longer have this access to the app. In the dropdown that comes up:
    • Click “Remove” if their account should be removed entirely
    • Click “Modify Access” if their access should be modified, but not removed entirely.

4. (Optional) Add a note

You can also add a note for any account you review that helps your IT team better understand your decision.


Scroll to the “Notes column and click the icon to begin a note. Click “Save Note” when you’re done.

5. Review the other accounts!

You can repeat steps 3-4 to review each account individually, or you can review/accept in bulk!

To review in bulk, select the checkbox next to the accounts you want to review, click the “Review Status” button that appears at the top of the screen, and make your decision. If you reject, you’ll be asked to “Remove” or “Modify Access”. Make your choice and add a note if you would like!

The animation below walks you through this workflow.


6. Review the other apps assigned to you!


Once you’ve reviewed all of the accounts for an app, click on the breadcrumb above the app name to go back to the app list.

In the screenshot above, it’s called “Annie’s App Review”.

When you are finished with an app, the “Review Progress” will be 100%. You’re 100% finished with your review when every app says 100%. (See the screenshot below for an example).

7. You’re done! 🎉

Your team will thank you for helping keep your company secure!

By helping them with this process, you’re giving them time back to help you with other important stuff!