
Edit a Request

We're updating this page as more editing features are enabled.

To provide a flexible workflow where errors can be corrected along the way, and in which variables can be added, we support editing a request even after it was sent.


Step 1: Click the "Edit"- or "View Request on Lumos"-Button

To visit the edit-panel, click the "Edit"-Button on Slack or the "Visit Request on Lumos"-Button on Email from the access request notification you originally received.

In-App Edit-Request-Panel
In-App Edit-Request-Panel

Step 2: Edit-panel • Select the request variable you want to edit

Choose any available variable to edit. Once selected, click on approve/confirm to progress this request.

Optional • Add a Comment

Edit a Group


If group-provisioning is enabled, Approvers and Provisioners can edit them to provision the user to the correct group / provision them with the right permissions.

To learn more about group-provisioning, please visit the Guide.